Software that improves Rx for everyone
Products for businesses and consumers that enable better outcomes for millions of people every day.
Who we are
We build cutting-edge products that empower PBMs, pharmacies, pharma manufacturers, payers, and consumers.

Optimize claims adjudication and analysis
Whether you're an established PBM, own pharmacy assets, or are just getting started, we offer products and services that provide greater visibility into your business performance and control over your cost of goods.

Capture new pharmacy revenue and retain customers
Retail pharmacies, grocers, and regional chains benefit from our custom pharmacy programs, industry experience, and expertise in all things technology and consumer marketing.

Drive adherence and affordability
RxSense uses its flagship prescription savings brand SingleCare to set competitive, affordable prices for consumers while driving profitable scripts to pharmacy partners.

Learn how RxSense partners with healthcare
Health plans, PBMs, pharmacies, regional providers, and many more organizations have partnered with RxSense to grow and manage their businesses. Here are some of the latest:

Find the solution for you or your business
Whether you’re a PBM, a pharmacy or an individual, our solutions modernize businesses, save time, and cut costs.